How to get HSC Result Check-2023 without a Registration Number HSC refers to the Higher Secondary Certificate Exam. This exam is important for a student. If we count, this is the third public exam for a student. But it has a higher value than JSC and SSC. After studying for 2 years, a student appeared for the HSC exam and remained tensed for the HSC exam result.
Students and guardians look for ways to get HSC results without a registration number. By reading this post, you will be able to know the HSC result publish date and HSC result checking methods.
HSC Result Publish Date 2023
Usually HSC Result publishes within 60-70 days after exam held. As a result, we assumed that the Higher school certificate result will be published by 26 November 2023. But for corona pandemic in Bangladesh the result may be late to announce. But we hope that the result will be published by Last week of November 2023.
Methods of Checking HSC Result 2023
- HSC Result 2023 SMS
- HSC Result 2023 BD
- HSC Result 2023 EIIN
HSC Result Check By SMS
The system of this method is sending a message to Education board to get the result on SMS. On this process you need to write HSC, then Board name, then Roll number and exam year. The message needs to send on the number 16222. Example message is given below so that you can send message and get result.
HSC Result Check Message Example:
“HSC DHA 524298 2023” sent this SMS to 16222
Must change the Board name with your exam board name, and Roll number 524298 with your SSC Exam Roll no. The exam year is 2023. The SMS will cost 2.50 BDt.
How to get HSC result 2023
Everyone looks for a way to get an HSC result without a registration number because the 10-digit HSC registration number is not easy to remember. You can check your HSC result with your registration number. To get the result, follow the short process mentioned below. For your help, we have attached an image process to it.
- Time to Complete: 5 Minutes
- Tools: Computer or Laptop
Connect Internet and Open browser
First, connect an Internet connection on your computer and laptop. It will be good if you connect a broadband line. Then open your favorite web browser. I opened chrome here.

Visit the web page.
Visit the website The web page should look like below picture. Match if you haven’t entered the wrong web address.
Fill the boxes with information
Fill the empty boxes with your own information. First, add the exam type. It will be HSC/Alim. Then add the year as 2023. Next, select your board. I have here randomly selected Barisal. You choose your own board. Select Result Type “Individual Result” and then fill in your own HSC roll.

Solve the Security Question
Solve the security key. Write it in the box on the right side. Here, the security key was “acarid.” You will have a different security key. Write that well and correctly.

Click on “Get Result” Button
Lastly, hit on the “Get Result” Button below. Before clicking make sure that all the information above is correct. If you provide wrong information you will not be able to get your result.

Get your Result-2023
Finally, A web page will appear to you. The page will contain your Intermediate Exam Result. You can also print it by print button there.

This post was about How to get Inter Result without Registration number. Hope you have found the information you are looking for. If you want to know more let us know by commenting below. Thank you for reading the post.