HSC 2023 Results edubdresults.com – Dhaka Education Board GOV BD. On November 30, 2023, the HSC results from the Dhaka Education Board in Bangladesh could be released. From our website, you can quickly obtain the HSC result 2023 Dhaka Board. The results of the 2023 HSC Exam will be released on November 30, 2023. HSC Exam Results 2023 were revealed at a press conference by Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid. Every student is currently anticipating the HSC Result 2023.
The method is quite easy to follow if you participated in the 2023 HSC test and would like to see the results. You have two options for viewing the results of your HSC exam. One of these is visiting the “Dhaka Education Board’s” official website and following a few simple procedures to reach the results page. The second, and equally straightforward, is utilizing a few bits of identification to send an SMS to a certain number that is formatted specifically for that purpose.
HSC Result 2023 Dhaka Education Board
Bangladesh HSC Exam Results 2023 www.gov.bd.educationboardresults. Exams for the Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) and its equivalent were held nationwide beginning on August 17, 2023, and concluded on September 25, 2023. However, due to question paper availability, two tests were postponed. After all tests were finished, those exams were held.

Ten education boards, including madrassa and technical boards, administered this exam. Additionally, Dhaka Board technical candidates were classified as technical institutes under DIBS 669, with a total enrollment of 4,967. Nine lakh twenty-four thousand one hundred seventy-one (924171) students from eight general education boards were among those who registered for the HSC examinations in 2023. 104 students and one lakh seven thousand five hundred fifty seven (107,557) pupils took the Madrasa Board Alim Exams.
Dhaka Board HSC Result 2023 Download

In total, eleven lakh forty one thousand three hundred seventy four (941374) applicants attend classes at eight thousand one hundred four (8104) educational facilities located throughout Bangladesh. In addition, five lakh thirty five thousand eighty one (535081) applicants are females and six lakh six thousand two hundred ninety three (606293) candidates are boys who are taking the HSC Exam 2023.
Dhaka Board HSC Result 2023 by Mobile SMS:
If you choose to receive your HSC Result 2023 by SMS, all which is necessary of you is to send a specially structured SMS, regardless of your mobile operator, to the following number: 16222. The message needs to contain the same information specified above (examination, year, board, etc.) written in the following manner:
You can get HSC Result 2023 Dhaka Board at your mobile phone by through SMS. First go to your mobile message option then type:
HSC <the first three letters of the Dhaka Board> Space <the six-digit exam roll number> Space <exam year> And Send to 16222
After sending a similar SMS, you will receive your exam results on your phone. Please consider the fact that you will be charged 2.50+ Taka for every SMS you send.
All Education Board SMS Short Code Name:
- DHA = Dhaka Board
- COM = Comilla Board
- RAJ = Rajshahi Board
- JES = Jessore Board
- CHI= Chittagong Board
- BAR = Barisal Board
- SYL = Sylhet Board
- DIN = Dinajpur Board
- MYM= Mymensingh Board
- MAD = Madrasah Board
One lakh four thousand six hundred sixty nine (104669) candidates were in Technical board. Moreover, three thousand seven hundred sixty nine (3769) students of Diploma in Business Studies also attended the Exam under the Dhaka Board. Without these, last year failed about two lakh twenty five thousand (225000) candidates in one or more subjects in HSC result. For this reason, this year three thousand seven hundred twenty two (3,722) had taken the improvement examinations in 2023.
The HSC exam 2023 was held in 5 overseas centers in Doha, Abu Dhabi, Jeddah, Riyadh and Tripoli for 202 candidates. Among 202 candidates 91 were boys and 111 were girls.
HSC Result 2023 Dhaka will be available at www.educationboardresults.gov.bd. You can also get HSC Result 2023 in Bangladesh education board official website. We will publish HSC Result Bangladesh www.educationboardresults.gov.bd in this site in time. So, keep visiting AllResultBD.com to get HSC Result 2023 Bangladesh and more.